Toddler photoshoot carried out in our relaxed studio environment to provide you and your toddler the best opportunity to get the best images from your time in the studio, whether thats individually or as part of your family group

Sitting up famaily photo shoot at Jayne Poole Photography

Toddler photography is most commonly part of our 3 sitting photo packages, with this being the last one of three sessions with us.

Why not have a toddler shoot as  one off option at £55.00 or £95.00 as part of our newborn to toddler package with three in studio photography shoots.

This sitting is where toddlers love to explore and try new things when you bring them into this studio setting

On the move with props photography shoot with your photographer Jayne poole based in Great Torrington near Barnstaple, Bideford, Bickington, Fremington, Roundswell, Northam, Holsworthy, Bude and Okehampton

Why not bring along their favourite toy, to help them relax. In unfamiliar surroundings.

To book phone 01805 622353 or fill in the online form

7, Cornmarket Street, Torrington, 

Devon, EX38 8EY. 

Tel: 01805 622353

© Copyright Jayne Poole Photography 2001 - present

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